最近我們那天真的AMY心血來潮發起十五人認養一個小孩的活動 雖然平常的我都不太會隨著AMY的STRANGE IMPULSES起舞(SORRY AMY 我不是故意的)但是這次他的主題很不錯 而以一年才三十塊 I was thinking "Why not"  所以AMY問我的時候我就很直接的答應
她現在找到一個住薩爾瓦多的五歲小男孩 他堅持一定要在十月十三號出生因為1013-->一日一善 Got it? -_-'''' 隨便他反正他挑的小孩看起很可愛很聰明我也就算了不過按照資料上講這位小男孩住在一個愛滋病村 真是令人吃驚!!...可能因為hiv跟gay之間的關係我聽到這個反而更喜幫助他 能幫助他過一個無憂健康的童年我想這三十塊是值得
My name is Ismael Enrique. I am a HopeChild.
I am a five-year-old boy who lives in El Salvador.

Favourite subject: coloring
Favourite play: ball games
Chores: picks up toys
Born: October 13, 2000

You can change Ismael Enrique's life and give him the chance to grow up healthy and happy for just $40 per month.

Ismael Enrique lives in a community that has been affected by HIV/AIDS. Your support will help to fund vital development work in Ismael Enrique's community, such as digging wells, improving sanitation, and building health clinics to provide:

clean water
nutritious food
health care
access to education

Your sponsorship will also help provide HIV/AIDS prevention, education, and special care for orphans and vulnerable children.

This work ensures that the community will be able to provide children with the basics they need to help them grow up in a healthy environment and have a chance for a better future.

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